xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#' ELLementary Exchange: Kim's Classroom

Kim's Classroom

This room is like Grand Central Station!  There are three ENL teachers sharing this space (and BTW...they are the BEST). As a department, we service all the ELLs in grades K-5.  Our space really needed to work for everyone, so we tried to create areas where we could work simultaneously without disturbing each other.  It's not perfect, but it works!

View From the Door
Classroom library: the shelves on the left house our themed collection...
...and the cart on the right houses our leveled collection.
View of the Library From the Guided Reading Area
Meeting Area
A few tables and our reading/writing workshop bulletin board.
Another Small Group Meeting Area
My Desk: I keep all my active materials (books, note-taking sheets, etc) for the grades I teach in the containers above my desk.  I've color coded each grade level so I can quickly identify what's what.  There's so much to keep track of!
This is our teacher zone.  The moveable dividing wall keeps this area private so instruction doesn't interfere with preps and lunch. 
Horseshoe tables are the best...perfect for our guided reading lessons and small group instruction. The sports ball rings on the peg board are part of the Ball Word Sight Word Mastery System by the incredible Marsha McGuire over at Differentiated Kindergarten.

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